Saturday, October 24, 2009

I need a answer from an honest retired police officer or someone that is still is.?

I have a friend that is in jail and justice system is not the most famous for honesty. There was a gun found in belongings to someone that was shipped out to DOC . Police are saying that my friends finger prints are all over it. They are saying that they are charging him with this. My friend wasn't never around this owner of the gun. Never touched the gun, never knew there was gun. They were in different cells the whole time. Now my question is, can the police or detective some way, get his finger prints put one the gun. If he honestly never even touched it . Don't they have to proof that those are his finger prints on the gun, not just saying that they are. They are trying every way that they can to keep this person in jail and will try anything. They want him to go to prison so bad that I actually think that they go home and think of ways to charge him with something else. Most everyone likes him, except the a few in the legal system and everyone in town knows how they are.
The only way your friends fingerprints can get on a gun is if he touched the gun, and I can tell you now the justice system is very honest, and police officers are very honest people. But the thing you need to ask yourself is your friend who is a convict telling the truth, because friends lie to friends. Also if the police found his prints on the gun he touched the gun, he knows there is a gun, because police officers would not go to the length, and trouble of planting fingerprints on a gun, which is highly impossible.

Now, if there is a gun found in a cell, in the prison, that is a problem, and that is the officers fault.
tell your "FRIEND" to start telling you the truth.

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