Saturday, October 31, 2009

I need pro same sex marriage information. Where can i find it?

i have a speech, any info would help besides,
What is wrong with just sticking to civil unions. That gives you the same tax breaks. Marriage is religious in nature, and as this nation was established in Christianity, homosexuality is wrong for marriage.
A large group of opposers cite religious reasons and/or biblical text. There are, however, contradictory passages that are sometimes ignored. Either a person believes the Bible is the Word of God, and therefore is a divine proclamation from God himself, or it is a collections of stories to be used as a general guide, open to interpretation and revision, but not to be followed word-for word. Can't have it both ways -- that it is the Word of God when it supports their beliefs and just a guidebook when it does not.

Many churches will also differentiate between the Old
Testament and the New Testament, as if we switched
Gods at halftime, and the "New" God is more correct
than the "Old" God. But, again, they go ahead and
preach about the "One" God in the next breath.

Finally, some churches argue that the mortals who
wrote the books of the Bible were inspired by the hand
of God. Who chose which of those writers had actually
been inspired and which were just infidels who wrote a
fictional story (i.e. the recent Gospel according to
Judah, that has already been discredited by most
churches, as well as countless other known "gospels"
that do not appear in the modern Bible)?

With those things in mind, please explain the
infallability of the Bible's anti-homosexual stance in
the light of the questions posted below. While
many of the "questions" are obviously written in jest,
I cannot get someone to argue against same-sex
marriage and for any of the proscribed ideas at the
same time. If the two can be reconciled, I am willing
to proclaim defeat.

Why is there no outrage over a 2nd marriage as it is
defined by Jesus as adultery, and therefore a sin
(Matthew 19:9) (same book that contains the oft-cited
verses (4-5) to put down the outlandish notion of
same-sex marriage)

Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both
male and female, provided they are purchased from
neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this
applies to Mexicans, but not to Canadians. Can you
clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as
sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what
do you think would be a fair price for her?

I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while
she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev.
15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried
asking, but most women take offense.

When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know
it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev. 1:9).
The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is
not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

I have a neighbor who insists on working on the
Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states that he should be
put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him
myself, or should I ask the police to do it?

A friend of mine feels that, even though eating
shellfish is an abomination (Lev. 11:10), it is a
lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree.
Can you settle this? Are there "degrees" of

Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of
God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit
that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be
20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?

Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed,
including the hair around their temples, even though
this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should
they die?

I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a
dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play
football if I wear gloves?

My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by
planting two different crops in the same field, as
does his wife by wearing garments made of two
different kinds of thread(cotton/polyester blend). He
also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really
necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the
whole town together to stone them (Lev. 24:10-16)?
Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private
family affair, like we do with people who sleep with
their in-laws (Lev. 20:14)?

This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but I hope it helps!
I never use google. Try

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